Conversion Chart

Conversion Table


Gallon = 4 Quarts = 8 Pints = 128 ounces = 256 Tablespoons = 768 Teaspoons

Quart = 2 Pints = 32 ounces = 64 Tablespoons = 192 Teaspoons

Pint = 16 ounces = 32 Tablespoons = 96 Teaspoons


1 Teaspoon = 5 ml

3 Teaspoons = 1 Tablespoon

2 Tablespoons = 1 ounce


Conversion of Parts per Million (ppm) to Milligrams (mg)

(ml/liter = ppm)

Grams to milligrams and micrograms


100 ppm = ½ mg = 1 Teaspoon

1 Teaspoon = 5 ml



If the product is listed at 1,500 ppm this would be the equation:


1,500 divided by 100 = 15

15 multiplied by .5 = 7.5 mg per teaspoon


1,500 divided by 200 = 7.5 mg per teaspoon


1 gram = 1,000 milligrams

1 milligram = 1,000 micrograms