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Angstrom Minerals

Sodium 16oz. - Liquid Mineral

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Angstrom Minerals - Sodium 16 oz

1,000 mg/L = 1,000 ppm

Liquid Sodium Mineral
Ionic Sodium
Cell Ready Sodium
Water Soluble Sodium

Angstrom sodium is one of the five minerals that alkalize the body. Keeping the body in an alkaline state helps to prevent disease. The body functions better when it is alkaline. Over acid leads to fungal growth. Athlete's foot, candida and other health hazards begin to show in an over acid body.


Health Benefits of Sodium. Sodium is needed in the body for regulation of fluids and blood pressure. In addition, it also assists in the smooth functioning of muscles and nerves. It is responsible for muscle contractions, nerve transmissions, maintaining pH balance and hydration.


  • Promotes Fluid Balance In The Body
  • Supports Nerve Impulse Transmission
  • Supports Muscle Contractions
  • Aids In Maintaining pH Balance


Sodium is essential to human health, organic sodium and no the scoundrel of health sodium chloride a.k.a. salt. Sodium is highly alkaline and contributes to the alkalinity of the lymph, blood, and works with the bicarbonate buffer system in the digestive tract. It keeps calcium and cholesterol liquid in the body.

This element is found in high concentration in the stomach lining to prevent the hydrochloric acid of the stomach from burning the stomach walls.  

Sodium Functions in the Body:

  • Increases osmosis, helps with the excretion of carbon dioxide
  • Counters acidity
  • Essential in the digestive buffering system
  • Needed by the pancreas, spleen and liver
  • Stored in the stomach walls, joints and gallbladder
  • Prevents blood clotting
  • Active in the organs, connective tissues and bodily fluids








Do not confuse sodium with salt as salt is an inorganic bond of chlorine and sodium (sodium chloride) that is an unusable form that is viewed by the body as a toxin.


Salt and sodium are not synonymous as far as our health is concerned.  Organic sodium is essential.  "Sodium was named "The Young Element" due to its properties of promoting youthful, limber, flexible, pliable joints."*1  Sodium is used in extensive functions of the body.  An average man who weighs around 180-190 can contain as much as 2¾ ounces of sodium in his body.  Sodium is a primary electrolyte important to the pH and water balance of the body. 


"Sodium is necessary for maintaining proper water balance and blood pH.  It is also needed for stomach, nerve, and muscle function."*2


Sodium is one of the essential minerals that make up part of the body tissues, fluids and plays an active role in the bodies regulatory functions, verve functions and cellular integrity.  Organic (biochemical), assimilable form of sodium keeps calcium and cholesterol in solution in the body and is found in virtually all fibrous, solid tissue.  It is also found in bone tissue, ligaments, liver, spleen, gallbladder, muscles, stomach, blood corpuscles, brain and other body constituents.  In the gallbadder sodium is the constituent in the bile that keeps cholesterol liquid.  Pathogenic bacteria can also take hold in the absence of sodium.


"Sodium is an extracellular element involved in fluid balance, regulation of blood pressure, and cell membrane permeability."*3


Sodium is highly alkaline and contributes to the alkalinity of the lymph, blood and works with the bicarbonate buffer system of the digestive tract.  In this system sodium combines with the bicarbonate to create sodium bicarbonate which neutralizes the hydrochloric acid that is combined with food in the stomach for digestion.  It is also found in organic tissue salts in the pancreatic juice.  Sodium bicarbonate is found in throat, nasopharynx, larynx and other similar tissues when catarrhal (catarrh is an inflammation of mucous membranes) congestion's are present as it acts as a solvent that helps remove catarrhal pus.


Sodium bicarbonate also combats bronchial mucus, catarrh and thickened secretions on canal walls.  When sodium is lacking and the body is unable to produce sodium bicarbonate the body manifests problems like gout, diabetic acidity, subacid blood, stomach catarrh and diabetic coma tendencies amongst a wide variety of other problems. 


"Sodium, which is highly alkaline, contributes to the alkalinity of the lymph and blood.  Sodium phosphate is found extensively in the tissues of carnivorous animals.  (Sodium bicarbonate works with sodium phosphate.)  Sodium carbonate is more extensive in herbivorous creatures and is necessary for normal fat metabolism, breaking down neutral fats into fatty acids and glycerine; in cooperation with pancreatic juice it attracts and holds fat."*4


Sodium combines with other elements in the body to create organic compounds for bodily functions:

•  Sodium + Phosphorus = Sodium Phosphate which enables carbonic acids to be expelled more effectively from the lungs. It is present in all parts, solid and fluid, of the body, which helps maintain alkalinity.

•  Sodium + Sulfur = Sodium Sulfate which controls the humidity in the bodily fluids, enhances performance of the liver, bile secretions and promotes peristaltic action in the stomach and intestines.

•  Sodium + Carbon = Sodium Carbonate or Bicarbonate which is necessary for normal fat metabolism, breaks down neutral fats into fatty acids, glycerin, and works with pancreatic juice to attract and hold fat.


"Heartburn indicates a need for more sodium, and drowsiness following a meal indicates that digestion is slow and more serious digestion troubles are impending,"
Chemistry of Man by Dr. Bernard Jensen.


Sodium has a pronounced and positive effect on urine, kidney and liver acidity.  When we consume excessive fatty, starchy foods (lard, meat, potatoes and margarine) they are metabolized into acetic, buturic, lactic and other fatty acids that are neutralized by sodium.


"It should be noted that sodium retards aging by neutralizing waste products and filtering poisonous substances out of the blood stream through the lymphatic system.  Sodium also aids in the elimination of carbonic acid and halts fermentation."*5


When sodium is deficient fatty acids begin producing gastric fermentation.  Intake of these fatty, acidic foods that precipitate sodium and potassium until they are depleted which results in indigestion, fermentation, and other complications.  Calcium metabolism depends on sodium to keep it in solution.  The bile, intestinal ssecretions, spleen, blood, gastric secretions, muscles, liver, brain, blood corpuscles, fibrous tissue, cartilage, synovia, blood serum, and almost all body fluids and solids require sodium.  Sodium is precipitated from the body on a dily basis by an acidifying diet, excess water consumption and hot, humid weather.  Other activities that precipitate sodium are extreme physical labor, sauna baths, excitement, passion, sweating, self-abuse and pregnancy.  After researching the subject it is apparent that sodium is essential to our health and most of us are sodium deficient due to our overly acidifying diet and lack of nutrient rich foods.


"Sodium deficiency (hyponatremia) and water deficiency are the most serious and widespread deficiencies in the world.  These deficiencies tend to arise from excessive losses from the body, as during prolonged and severe diarrhea or vomiting."*6


"Dr. Frohlich estimates that as many as one-third of people with high blood pressure may be sodium sensitive and may benefit from reducing sodium intake."*7


While Sodium chloride is a compound that is unusable by the body, sodium is essential and one of the most misunderstood minerals in the body.  Case in point. "Researchers at Cornell University Medical College and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, both in New York City, decided to actually count the number of heart attacks among men with high blood pressure who consumed low amounts of sodium, then compare that figure with the number of heart attacks among men who had high blood pressure and higher sodium intakes.  The results?  The men who ate the least sodium were four times more likely to have heart attacks than thos who ate the most.  And the less sodium they ingested, the higher the risk."*8


1.  Bernard Jensen, Ph.D
The Chemistry of Man
(Bernard Jensen, 1983) page 329 


2.  James F. Balch, M.D. and Phyllis A Balch, C.N.C.
Prescription for Nutritional Healing - Second Edition
(Avery Publishing Group, 1997) page 28 


3.  Dr Lawrence D. Wilson
Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis
(L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc., 1998) page 321 


4.  Bernard Jensen, Ph.D.,
The Chemistry of Man
(Bernard Jensen, 1983) page 330 


5.  Donald Lepore, N.D.,
The Ultimate Healing System - The Illustrated Guide to Muscle Testing & Nutrition
(Woodland Publishing, Inc., 1985) page 79 


6.  Tom Brody
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine,
Mineral Deficiency (This story was located on website: findarticles.com)


7.  Matthew Hoffman, William LeGro and the Editors of Prevention Magazine Health Books
Disease Free - How to Prevent, Treat and Cure More Than 150 Illnesses and Conditions
(RodalePress, 1993) page 282 


8. The Editors of Prevention Health Books
Healing with Vitamins
(RodalePress, Inc., 1996) page 22 



Elemental Research Inc.
Angstrom Minerals
2.75" x 6.75" x 2.75" inches (WxHxD)
Bottle Size:
16 oz.
1,000 mg/L
Available Sizes:
16 oz and 32 oz.

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